Hello. Thank you for visiting our website. I sincerely hope that the information provided gives knowledge and encouragement to help you care for your horse(s). The information that I am sharing with you on the next pages comes from the time and hard work of many professionals in the field.
​I want to tell you from personal experience that the Precision Hoof Pick will help you through your challenges so that you can reach your goals and achieve optimal hoof health. I needed this valuable measuring devise to help me through my challenges and it has continued to be a tool that I rely on today for my hoof care protocol. I am proactive by taking growth measurements regularly with the Precision Hoof Pick to achieve perfect hoof balance that improves the performance of my horses. It helps me correct any distortion before harm is done to the whole horse. I hope the measuring examples displayed provide guidance. However, I am not recommending that you trim to a standardized measurement. Each hoof needs to be measured and analyzed individually. It is recommended that you seek guidance from a hoof care professional.

Sarah J. Nickle
Creator of the Precision Hoof Pick